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Thursday, December 9, 2010

One Month!

I cant believe that my little Ellie is one month! She is growing like a weed I tell ya! At her appointment she weighed in at 10Ib 5oz, 21in.   She is focusing much more now and tries to to smile.  I love how alert she is when she's awake! (she still sleeps a ton! wakes up usually only once at night to eat).  She lost almost all the hair on top of her head.  I thought of mike's dad.  She had a grandpa H hair style! (its back now so she doesn't look bald on top anymore, thank goodness!)

Evey just loves her little sister. She is such a big help! Gets me her burp rag for me, rocks her, tries to give her her passy, throws her diapers away (sometimes), and lots of hugs and kisses.

Here are some comparison pictures of my girls.

Ellie -  1 month

Evey - 1 month



Gosh they are so cute!

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

The one month pics look so much a like! But where's Ellie's hair?! Tehe! no clippies for that one anytime soon ;)