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Monday, March 28, 2011

Passy free!

So about two and a half weeks ago, I decided it was time to try no more passy for Evey when she sleeps.  I wasn't really sure how to go about it and the only way I came up with was just to "cold turkey" her. So thats what I did.  At first it was just during her daytime naps that I wouldn't give her the passy. That went ok... for a bit. I caved not long after that and she got her passy back.  Then I decided that I needed to hide the passy's from her and me. (we aren't throwing them out cause Ellie will use them too).  So thats what I did. Gathered all the Evey passy's and put them up.  We have been passy free ever since! And Evey is doing great! We've only had maybe one night where I could tell she wanted it, but other than that she sleeps fine.  She is so cute too! When i put her down for her "nap" time, she likes to play for a while. I'll sometimes sit on the stairs and peek under her door to see her little feet walking back and worth around the room. And when I check on her when she finally is quiet (she usually is talking and singing and yelling playfully when she is playing), she 9.5 times out of 10 is asleep in her bed. (I found her once hunched in the corner under her window asleep. it was cute!)  I love that she goes to her bed to sleep!  My little girl is getting so big! Can't believe she'll be 2 this year!?!

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

What a sweet little lady!