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Friday, December 16, 2011

November recap

November flew by so fast this year! December is flying too, but I'll recap our November.  It wasn't all that eventful but none the less fun!

The girls got matching dresses from Gma & Gpa M.

Evey decided it would be fun to "poop paint" on her wall....
After dinner on my birthday, Evey looked at Mike and me and said "happy day cake??" How smart is she! She knew it was my birthday and that there should be a cake! (which we didn't have). So Mike hoped out to Walmart and picked up a small "happy day" cake.
Momma turned the big 3.0.  This was my "happy day" cake
Ellie finally decided that walking IS faster than crawling! Yay! She is a walking machine now!

walking to momma

Evey wanted to put the flower hat on Ellie. She was thrilled.... :)
Thanksgiving was just us this year. We couldn't make it work to get up north to my family or out west to Mike's. Sad. But it was still a great day!
Our yummy food! (notice the hand in the greenbeans??)

Ellie ate almost all her food. The meat was gone first, of course. (she's my carnivore!)

Evey didn't eat as much, but still did good! At least she ate all her green beans!

Daddy with his food

Momma and hers
I put on Christmas music on Thanksgiving. I love Christmas music!! The very next day we got down all our Christmas stuff and started decorating the house.
Evey loved helping with the tree

"I love Christmas stuff!!" Evey said when all the boxes where brought downstairs.

Ellie helped with the lights

and then the ornaments

we even got lights up outside this year!!  We hope to have more next year!

Our tree all done!

Both girls like the Little People Nativity Gma & Gpa H. got them last year

Ellie being cute eating her puffs

Evey soon joined her. She's blowing kisses here.
It was a fun, fast November! Now on to December!

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

Poop paint is the worst. That cracks me up. And I love you house and decorations!! So pretty!