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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Air Force (Half) Marathon 2013

**So I never posted this from last year. Oops!! Guess I'll post it now and start with the big game of "catch up!" So here we go!!**

In september, Mike and I ran the Air Force half marathon. It was mikes first half! And he did great! So did I actually! We both paced off each other and I ended up with a PR! Here's our running adventure!

All the free swag I got from the expo! (minus my iphone and the iFitness belt I bought there)

Flat mama ready to go (forgot my shoes though!)

Flat daddy!

Up bright and early, ready to the cold and rain.
 It was absolutely beautiful the entire week we had been in Ohio. That was until the evening before marathon weekend started. It decided to POUR down rain. They had to cancel the 5k on friday it was so bad, with lightening and everything! Everyone running the half and full on saturday were on edge and praying that they wouldn't have to cancel our runs too!
Driving in. It was raining pretty good still. The gate we entered for parking is where you see the red lights on the far left of the photo. Yeah, it took forever to get on Base!

Walking to the start line. Just past the gate there, we heard the gun go off for the start of the Half. This is the first race that I missed the start.

still walking to the start line. on the other side of the white fence there, 10k people where finishing. 
awesome planes we'll get to run by. 
the good part of missing the start, we walked right up to the start line! No waiting!

We just took our time, and walked right up.

Lets go!

Mike running his first 13.1!!

Running by the Hoffman Dam

The coarse narrowed a bit to go over this bridge.

First water stop had Elvis singing to us.

Water stop Powerade 

we had a choice at one point. We chose to go left ;)

Running through base Officer housing. Loved this!

One of our cutest cheerleaders! 

A very peaceful course.

selfie! almost half done! 

Mile 6! The miles flew by! I was amazed!

Every turn on the course had a serve man (or woman) there to help direct us. Every turn, no joke (so thats a lot of our Air Force guys out there for us!) I had to stop and get a picture with one. I think I made his day, and I was told that by a fellow runner who saw me stop for the pic. Made my race too!!

Minion water stop!

Almost done! We could see the finish line from here off to the left (not pictured)

The finish line is over there! just around the corner!

Final stretch! 

I surprised Mike with my final dash to the finish. I always save a bit to power it home. 

FINISHED!! 2:46!!

Mike getting his first medal!!

the yummy food we got for finishing! Yes, they gave us fresh made pizza!

our awesome medal, featuring the c-130J

official half marathoners!

Mike liked the Air Force bike. American Choppers (OCC) made it.

Had to get a pic of the featured aircraft! This is the same kind of plane that dad Heilmann flew!

Evey looked small next to those front wheels!

Mike showing Ellie Gpa's plane

It was a great race! And with it being so close to home, I will likely run it again! I want to do the marathon since its course goes right though downtown Fairborn. My old stomping ground. Overall, the Air Force Marathon is a fantastic race that I highly recommend

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

Cool pictures! What a fun thing to do together. :) So proud of you! Now you should post a pic of ALL your medals!