Miss Elliana "Ellie" Rose Heilmann joined the our little family on Friday, October 15th, 2010. She was so fast and easy, I hope that her future siblings follow suit! Here's her story:
My doctor had asked me at my appointment on that tuesday (the 12th) what my feelings were on induction. I told him that at this point, I really wouldn't mind. He told me that if I hadn't delivered by my due date (mon. 18th) then we would talk induction. So I go to pick up Evey from a friend who was watching her and while we were letting the girls play a little longer, my phone rings and its the doctors office. My doctor was scheduled to be at the hospital on friday the 15th and he had an opening and wanted to know if I wanted to go ahead and be induced. Being as I was already dialated to 4cm, he saw no reason that I couldn't be. So I said yes. It was so weird to know what day I was going to have a baby, but at the same time, I liked it.
I had to be at the hospital at 4am. Crazy early! Talk about no sleep! Thankfully my sister Annie was able to come over late thursday evening to be there in the morning for Evey since Mike and I would be gone. It was such a blessing! We got there at 4. By 4:30 I was in the delivery room. At almost 5, they started the pitocin and a little after 5 I got my epidural. Oh how I love those! I hadn't started feeling the contractions yet, I was having them, but nothing painful, so getting the epidural was nice cause I didn't feel a thing the whole time! At 7:20ish my doctor arrived and broke my water. He had 2 c-sections scheduled, so he said I should have her soon so he could be there to catch. (He was joking about me hurrying to have her cause he knows its nothing I can control.) :)
At 8 all I could think about was how Evey and aunt Annie were doing, but wouldn't you know, no phone reception in the room. I could barely get texts out, but those seemed to work. I talked to Annie for a while. At about 8:45 she asked me how far along I was. I told her wasnt sure cause they hadn't checked me in a while. I guess they were expecting me to take longer to completely dilate cause just after that the nurse checked me and with a slight look of "Oh!" on her face, she said you are at 10cm! Time to push. She asked them to get the doctor. At 8:50 I texted Annie to say it was time to push. By this point my doctor was in the room getting ready, which took him only a few minutes. And by 9:02, Elliana Rose was here. 7 pounds 11.5 ounces 20 inches long. She was so fast and easy! I didn't tear very much this time, which made that recovery really nice too!
I went home at 8pm on saturday. It was such a whirlwind weekend! The fastest hospital stay I've had! Compared to the 4 days I spent there after Evey.