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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Evey!!

On August 2nd, my little girl turned 2! I can't believe it! Evey is such a good girl...when she wants to be. She has become quite the helper these days and loves to pick up all the clothes on the floor (when i'm sorting them out) and put them back in the basket. She also takes things to the trashcan, gets me things like Ellie's passy or bottle, and is starting to get the hang of "please" and "tankyou".  Evey loves her "chocobunny" (a.k.a. chocolate milk) and daddy's yogurt and string cheese. She is growing up way to fast!  Here is our little sweetie on her birthday.

coming downstairs in the morning. She knew something was up when momma had the camcorder.

Her b-day gift. A slide/swing! She was thrilled!

Happy girl!

Ellie eating her cheerios, enjoying the excitement.

she was so excited, she even did a happy dance!

trying the slide for the first time...


back up to steer the boat

she had to take Mickey for a turn!

Ellie liked the swing but wasn't to sure about it

I did get a cheesy grin from her though!

That's better! Pillows make everything nicer!

Both girls together
Evey requested "castle" and "big boom" for her birthday. And who are we to refuse such a cutie??  So we took her to Magic Kingdom to see the Castle and fireworks.

Sporting her Birthday Button and Mickey sticker.

Us ladies in front of the castle

We all rode Cinderella's Carousel. Ellie held on really good! She smiled most of the time...except when the pic was taken!!

All by herself! Such a big girl!

With daddy, waiting on the fireworks. They were delayed but we were just happy they happened!!

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

You all look so happy and wonderful. I love it! Can't wait to see you. :)