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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SeaWorld 2010

On the very last day of 2010, Dec. 31, we went to Sea World!  It was a perfect day for it too! Crowds weren't too bad (yet. I'm assuming that they picked up later that evening) and the weather was great! Cool but not cold, warm but not hot. I think both girls really enjoyed it!

Walking to the entrance.

We are in!! Thank you Aunt Annie and Uncle Rob for the passes!

Evey liked to sit where her feet should go in the stroller. I guess so she could see better?

Ellie looking around (ok at me for this picture :))

The first animals we saw were Flamingos.

The show with Dolphin's. I think this was Evey's favorite.

Waiting for the show to start.  Evey is pointing at the water.

Ellie was awake for the show. 

Awesome shot I got not looking through the eye piece.

So excited!


This is how good she was. Evey sat the whole time like this...just watching. So cute!

Heading to see Shamu.  Evey liked to help push Ellie. And it was a good way to keep track of her. (not that she got away, she's such a good girl!)

She had fun with it.


Big whale.

How awesome is that?!

Walking to see the penguins.

I had to take a picture of the only USBank location in Florida...the ATM at Sea World! I love USBank!


The light-up info boards had a touch activation just at Evey's height. She loved putting her hand on the hand spot. She'd go down the line (there were 5 i think) and activate them.

Good baby girl!

Waiting on daddy as he gets the last souvenir...a mini plush Dolphin.

Cute serious. (and tired at this point)
We got the girls a mini plush Shamu and Dolphin. I let Evey choose which one she wanted and she chose the Dolphin.  I could tell that was her favorite show.  We sure had a lot of fun at Sea World! Can't wait to go back again when the girls a alittle older and can enjoy it even more!

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

Oh my goodness. I love it so much. I am so glad that you guys are exactly where you want to be. PRECIOUS.