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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Growing girl(s)

We just went to Ellie's 2 week checkup on the 29th.  She is growing like a weed, blowing her birth weight out of the water!  8 Ibs 5 oz! 20.5 in! She is a good eater, thats for sure! Did have a little bit of "thrush", but we have the medicine to clear that up quick.  She is becoming more alert and holds her head up much better.

Evey is becoming a great big sister! She has taken to wanting to hold Ellie and will sometimes try to pick her up out of the bouncer. So we put Evey in our lap and lay Ellie across her.  She looks down at Ellie and will give her kisses and point to her nose.  Its really cute.

Gosh I love my girls and my family!  I really am blessed!!

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

Super, truly, blessed!!! :)